Appraisal ID: 22311
Appraised On: 2/23/11
Market Value: $1,200.00
Replacement Value: $1,500.00
Remote identification of this item has been determined to the best of the appraiser’s ability from at least one or more of the following: description, image, third-party certificate of authenticity, receipt of origination and statement of provenance. The information has been provided by the owner or other person placing the order. The appraiser is not certifying the authenticity of the listed item but offering an opinion of value, as the item was represented, based on the Market Comparison Approach to Value.
Title: The Works of Shakespeare. Virtue & Co., London, No date, circa 1890. Two volumes bound in three. “Imperial Edition.” Edited by Charles Knight. Three thick folios bound in crimson morocco over thick boards. Raised bands with gilt lettering and decorative panels within spine compartments. Large blind central vignette portrait of Shakespeare in gilt at center in all three volumes. Small medallion gilt portraits of Shylock, Falstaff, Richard III and Othello at the corners. Spines are richly tooled as are board edges; marbled end sheets; numerous steel engravings. Each volume: 15″ x 11 1/2″. Good; extremities of spine and boards rubbed.
*Current Fair Market Value is the price agreed upon between a willing buyer and seller, neither being required to act, and both having a reasonable knowledge of the facts.
**Replacement Value is the price in terms of money that would be required to replace the property with another of similar age, quality, origin, appearance, provenance and condition, within a reasonable length of time in an appropriate market.