Appraisal ID: 5982782
Appraised On: 2/19/11
Market Value: $250.00
Replacement Value: $350.00
Remote identification of this item has been determined to the best of the appraiser’s ability from at least one or more of the following: description, image, third-party certificate of
authenticity, receipt of origination and statement of provenance. The information has been provided by the owner or other person placing the order. The appraiser is not certifying the authenticity of the listed item but offering an opinion of value, as the item was represented, based on the Market Comparison Approach to Value.
ITEM DESCRIPTION: Porcelain Pitcher
Manufacturer: Zsolnay.
Porcelain ewer style pitcher, circa 1889-1891; hallmark on base; numbered 3499; labeled Made in Austria, Hungaria. Size: 3 ½” x 4” x 5”. Condition: good,
slight crazing on bottom.
This is a ewer style pitcher made by the Zsolnay. The porcelain pitcher looks similar in style to the company’s double skin style porcelain pieces. The pitcher is covered with pink and gray flowers and highlighted with gold. The hallmark on the base is made from a design of the five medieval churches found in Pecs, Hungary where the company was located. Zsolnay was founded in 1853 by Miklos Zsolnay. The company started making stone and earthenware products and branched out in to art pottery and architectural ceramics and tiles. One of the company’s biggest innovations was the creation of porcelain faience clay and the eosin glazes. These glazes had an iridescent look that mimicked glass. The styles of the company influenced the Art Nouveau. The company went through changes as a Communist regime came to power. It was renamed Pecs Porcelain Factory and is now part of a large state owned conglomerate. They still produce limited edition objects and architectural ceramics.
*Current Fair Market Value is the price agreed upon between a willing buyer and seller, neither being required to act, and both having a reasonable knowledge of the facts. **Replacement Value is the price in terms of money that would be required to replace the property with another of similar age, quality, origin, appearance, provenance and condition, within a reasonable length of time in an appropriate market.