Appraisal ID: 10270
Appraised On: Jan 18, 2006
Market Value: $ 75.00
Replacement Value: $ 100.00
This is a Purim plate. It appears to be made of brass (not copper)
though such plates are often made of pewter or even silvered pewter.
The maker and age of this particular plate are unknown. The Jewish
festival of Purim commemorates a time when the Jewish people living in
Persia were saved from extermination through the courage of a young
woman called Esther. The festival is celebrated by the reading of the
book of Esther.The Purim plate typically shows the king’s palace,
sometimes with Mordecai being led on a horseback through the streets.
The inscriptions are in Hebrew and/or Yiddish with the words from the
Bible. Sometimes Purim plates are made for the sole purpose of hanging
on a wall like a plaque. This could be one of those cases. Based on
comparative data for other Purim plates recently sold, and considering
the similarities and differences for the condition, size, and artistic
merit, we have valued the subject plate as indicated.
Item/Title: King Xerxes Platter
Date/Period of Manufacture: Unable to determine.
Condition: Very Good
Manufacturer/Artist/Author: Unknown, cannot decipher.
Dimensions (HxWxD): This platter (tray) is 6.5 lbs. It measures 18 3/4 inches high and 27 inches across.
Inscription: Yes, I believe so. However, it is written in a foreign language.
History/Provenance: My mom received this from a friend who was cleaning out his garage about 6months ago.
This online appraisal report is an appraisal expert’s opinion of
value based on market comparable research of the item description and images supplied by our customer. No further guarantee of authenticity, genuineness, attribution or authorship is represented.
Current Fair Market Value is the price agreed on between a
willing buyer and seller, neither being required to act, and both having reasonable knowledge of the facts.
Replacement Value is the price in terms of money that would be
required to replace the property in question with another of similar age, quality, origin, appearance, provenance and condition, within anreasonable length of time in an appropriate market.