National Leader in Valuation and Appraisal Services.

Gwen Nugent is a senior appraiser with 13 years experience of producing certified appraisal reports for insurers, government agencies, and the Courts. Her reports have been used in multi-million dollar damage settlement claims, by the IRS for Estate Settlement filing and Charitable Donation, and the Courts for Divorce Settlement Litigation. Gwen is a graduate of Bloomsburg University and obtained her Core Course in Appraisal Studies from the International Society of Appraisers.


She began her profession with the broadest of disciplines – Residential Contents. Gwen’s thought was to, “study and have hands on experience appraising all categories of personal property found in a home in order to be well prepared for any assignment.” She is the true “generalist” appraiser, with thousands of certified appraisals under her belt she commands a growing expertise of certifying the value of art, decorative art, collectibles, antiques, and memorabilia.


Gwen is a veracious consumer of information on the latest market value trends. Her market knowledge is valuable to clients who are considering selling their appraised items. She is the firm’s social media specialist and the driving force behind introducing ValuePros Appraisal Services to the world through Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.


Contact Gwen with a question or to discuss an appraisal need.