Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost?
Single item/set – $150
2 items/sets – $300
3 items/sets – $400
4 items/sets – $450
5 items/sets – $500
Up to 35 items/sets – $1100
Up to 40 items/sets – $1200
Up to 45 items/sets – $1300
Up to 50 items/sets – $1400
51+ items/sets – $25 per
*Onsite Appraisal Service - Fee per Item/Set
+ $100 per Hour while Onsite Exam Fee
Single item/set – $150
2 items/sets – $300
3 items/sets – $400
4 items/sets – $450
5 items/sets – $500
Up to 35 items/sets – $1100
Up to 40 items/sets – $1200
Up to 45 items/sets – $1300
Up to 50 items/sets – $1400
51+ items/sets – $25 per
*The fee schedule is for the ValuePros level service for typical residential contents. There are likely fee exceptions that will be disclosed if you have certain fine art, vehicles, equipment, collections, and other exceptional items.
**The ValuePros Premier level service fee is quoted for each assignment.
What is the cost if the on-site exam takes less than 1 hour?
Our minimum billing fee is based on a 1 hour examination. So, if we perform an on-site examination the appraisal fee will be at least $450-$600. Once we exceed the first hour on-site we bill in 15 minute increments thereafter.
How many items can you examine in 1 hour?
We typically examine between 15 – 20 items per hour. Some items have more value characteristics than others – for instance examining a painting as compared to a dining table. We are thorough for the sake of accuracy yet efficient in respect to your fee investment.
When do I pay the appraisal fee and what forms of payment do you accept?
We total the appraisal fee at the completion of the examination based on the 1:2 hour formula described above and secure at least 50% of the balance by debit/credit card or personal check. When the certified appraisal report is completed and ready for delivery we secure the remaining fee balance and deliver the report.
How many days before I receive the appraisal report and how is it delivered?
The report is typically completed and delivered within 10-15 days of the date of examination. We can discuss a faster turnaround time if necessary. The certified report is delivered by email attachment in a digitally signed, secure PDF format. The full report can be printed from any desktop printer or emailed securely with a feature that does not allow the report to be altered.
Can I schedule the examination on the weekends or evenings?
Yes. We will do our best to work with your available schedule.
How quickly can I schedule an examination?
We do our best to schedule an examination within days, sometimes the same day.
Can I bring my items to you for an examination?
As accredited appraisers we are removed from the buying and selling of the items we appraise. This fact protects you because it means we are independent and disinterested from the value, much different from a “free” appraisal from a dealer that would like to buy and resale your item. Since we do not “deal” we do not have the need for a walk-in retail store. We work from home offices and offer a full-service visit to our clients. We also can identify and certify the value of many items from a digital image and description that are provided via email.
Contact Us with questions or to schedule an examination
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Our accredited Appraisers meet you remotely or come to you. Your property always remains in your control.
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